Hello in Bloggerland!
Ken Underhill here! I wanted to write today about one of the most awesome new desktop
widgets I've found in my recentnsearches on the web! It's called digsby. It can be found at www.digsby.com. I was astounded at the functionality of the app! For some strange reason
I could not get my TwitterFox widget to work, so I have been searching for a new dashboard widget that was functional and easy. I just happened to run across digsby purely by chance
when I went to www.twitter.com/downloads. Digsby is excellent! It allows me to view Instant Messaging, Facebook, MySpace, my email accounts, and Twitter, all from my desktop! Many of the applications are accessable from the digsby app! Automation is definitely one of the keys to a successful business. It does work excellently! Best of all, it's free! I like free! Free is a good price point!
That's about it for this post on best widgets! I look forward to adding value to your lives again soon!
I'll leave you with an excellent quote I came across today from Steven J Ross....."Fulfill your Dreams: There are those who work all day. Those who dream all day. And those who spend an hour dreaming before setting to work to fulfill those dreams. Go into the third category because there’s virtually no competition."
One last quick note! For those of you that may be looking for that Powerful way to build your list with any company..... I recently found this! Build your list with this!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
The Power of Goal Setting
In this article I’m going to share with you some amazing facts on goal setting and a simple formula for increasing the likelihood of actually achieving your goals. The bottom line is that if you want success you can have it. It does not matter where you are now, how much success you have or do not have. The only thing that matters is your attitude and your willingness to do the things it takes to become successful. The truth is that an average person with clearly defined, written goals will run circles around a genius without them.
Your ability to become a continuous, systematic, professional goal setter will do more to contribute to your success and happiness than any other skill you could ever acquire in life.
Why Goals Are Important
Change is the single most factor affecting our lives today. Life is changing at an ever increasing rate. In fact change is so continuous, persistent and relentless that we are often unaware of it’s affect on our lives. Goals assist us to not only deal with that change they allow us to harmonize with it. Clear, specific goals are critical for every area of our lives.
A major cause of the change around us is the information explosion. A person living today must make many more decisions in a single week than our ancestors had to make over the course of their lives. This is all do to the exponential increase in existing knowledge. In fact existing knowledge is doubling approximately every 2 to 15 years. Two hundred years ago the knowledge base doubled every hundred years or more!
The only way to deal with this increasing rate of change is by understanding goals and how they can direct your life. Goals enable you to control the direction of change. They allow the change that affects you to be self directed or positive rather than random or negative. Keep in mind that you can’t get away from change. But you can decide whether is controls you or whether you control it.
By learning to effectively set goals you will become more confident. Working toward goals will raise your self-esteem and self-respect. As you move toward accomplishing your goals they will give you a tremendous feeling of personal pride and accomplishment.
Formula For Increasing Goal Achievement
* Decide exactly what want in each area of your life.
How much do you want to earn? What kind of home do you want to live in? What is your dream car? What kinds of activities do you want to be involved with? Would you like to be the person your church can go to when they have a shortcoming on the budget? What about your physical fitness level?
Be clear in setting your goals. 80% of your success hinges on how clear your goals are. The clearer and more specific your goals the better. If you don’t know what your goals are, set a goal to decide what your goals should be.
* Write down your goals on paper.
Write you goals in clear, specific and measurable terms. Writing down goals takes them out of your imagination and crystallizes them into the physical world. It takes them from being a wish to a place where you can see them and touch them each and every day. By writing down your goals you instantly jump into the top 3% of all people. Only 3% of all adults have written goals. Yet those 3% accomplish more than the other 97% combined!
In 1979, Harvard Business School did a study of their MBA graduates. They interviewed the graduates and asked them among other things if they had clear written goals with plans for their career when they left the school. Only 3% had clear written goals with plans. 13% had goals but they weren’t written down and did not necessarily have a plan. 84% had no goals at all.
In follow-up interviews conducted 10 years later the 13% who had goals were earning on average twice as much as those with no goals at all. The eye-opening part was that the 3% who had written goals were earning on average ten times as much at the other 97% put together!
Writing down goals combined with consistent daily action toward achieving them works virtually without exception. It unlocks your potential and your subconscious mind to allow you to see and recognize opportunities for advancement in your chosen profession.
* Set a deadline for achieving your goal.
The subconscious mind responds very well to clear specific deadlines. Setting a deadline deepens and intensifies your desire for the goal. It will increase your belief that you can accomplish your goal.
On big goals, break it apart into smaller goals. For example break a one year goal into 6 month, 3 month, 1 month and even 1 week segments. This will make it easier to accomplish your goal and will provide your with a very detailed plan of what you need to do right now to reach the next step of your goal.
A deadline acts as a forcing system on your subconscious mind which drives you toward your goal and as you begin to meet your deadlines it will build your motivation to overflowing levels.
Deadlines also seem to attract the people and resources into your life that you need to accomplish your goal. This is because once your set a deadline your subconscious mind begins to see your own “Acres of Diamonds.”
So what if you miss a deadline? Simple, set another deadline! There’s no such thing as unrealistic goals, only unrealistic deadlines. A deadline is really just a guess based on current knowledge. If your knowledge changes to a point were you need to change a deadline do so, but don’t give up on the goal.
The best experts in goal setting recommend that you set goals and envision the end result.
Write down what steps needed to be taken regressing from the dream company reward trip to the Bahamas all the way back to where you are a newbie that had never created a successful business before. Equate it to a game! What did you do at crunch time....at the two minute warning three weeks from your final outcome?? What did you do to win with fifteen minutes left....3 months to go? What had to be done at half time....6 months before the Bahamas trip?
What action steps needed to be taken at the start of the second quarter....at 9 months?
The primary reason people don’t set goals is due to a fear of failure. They are afraid that they will feel bad about themselves if they don’t reach their goals. But consider this: If you don’t set goals you simply won’t achieve very much. So don’t set yourself up for guaranteed failure by not setting goals.
* Identify the major obstacles.
Identify the obstacles that stand between you and your goal – specifically those that stand between you and your Major Definite Purpose. Make a list of everything that could be blocking you. Ask yourself, “Why am I not at my goal already?”
80% of the reason you are NOT achieving your goal is contained in yourself in some way. What is going on around you that is holding you back? What is the bottleneck – the biggest reason – that slows you down? Once you figure this out focus all of your strength and energy on removing that key choke point. Many times removing the number one obstacle can do more to help move you forward than any other single activity. Whenever you can identify a major obstacle or problem, swarm all over it and take it out.
* Identify the knowledge, skills, abilities and additional information you will require to achieve your goals.
All forward movement requires the acquisition and application of new ideas or information of some kind. Keep asking, “Why am I not at my goal already?” What is the missing “key piece” of knowledge that is setting the speed of how fast you achieve your goal? There is always something that you lack that is holding you back. Make an effort to continually find the missing puzzle pieces.
What one skill if you developed and did it consistently and in an excellent fashion would have the greatest positive impact on your business? If you don’t know the answer ask your sponsor, upline, coach, mentor or anyone else who can help. You MUST find out. It’s the key to acceleration, leverage and multiplication. In order to achieve a goal you have never achieved before you have to apply a skill or ability you never had before.
The good news is that anything anyone else has learned and become excellent at you can become excellent at as well. No one is better than you and nobody is smarter than you. If someone is doing better than you they have simply worked at it longer than you, just as an athlete who has spent years at a certain discipline will be much better than someone who just got started. But remember that anything someone else has done you can probably do as well.
* Identify the people, groups and organizations whose help, assistance and cooperation you will need to achieve your goal.
You can achieve little goals by yourself but it takes teamwork to achieve the really big ones. Make a list of all the people in your life (friends, family, coworkers, people with special skills, etc.) that can either help you or hinder you in the attainment of your objective. Once you have that list organize it by priority.
You have probably heard the saying, “The devil is in the details.” The most successful people in this world are those who are the most meticulous and careful about the details in their lives. They tend to think on paper. They check and double-check everything. They leave absolutely nothing to chance. The average or mediocre performer trusts luck, is too lazy to write things down, continually forgets, and misses countless opportunities as a result.
Once you have a list of people who can help you, think about how you can help them in advance to gain their support. Everyone needs a reason to do something. Most people only respond to one question, “What’s in it for me?” What benefit will the people who help you receive for do doing so?
* Make a plan.
Create a plan to accomplish your goal based on the first 6 steps you have already learned. List every detail you can think of. As you think of more items add them to your plan. Keep working until your plan is complete. This will undoubtedly take some time but once complete you will have created a powerful springboard for your own success.
Be sure to prioritize your plan by priority and sequence. The most important steps should be completed first. First remove your major obstacles, then gain the skills and knowledge you need followed by the other more specific tasks.
A person with a plan and goal will run circles around someone without one. The man or woman that knows what they want, writes it down and makes a plan to accomplish it, is a stronger, far more definite and determined person than someone who is vague or unsure.
* Take action on your plan.
Action is perhaps the most readily identifiable quality of highly successful people. Action is critical for the success of your plan. This is why you hear us at Leaders Club harping on “getting into consistent action” so often. It’s vital to do something every day that moves you closer to your goal.
Develop the momentum principle of success. The momentum principle of success simply states that although it may take a tremendous amount of energy to get started toward a goal, once in motion it takes much less energy to keep moving. If you stop completely it takes a massive amount of energy to get going again. This is why all successful people are action oriented – constantly moving toward their goals. It’s also why you should be actively working toward your goal on a daily basis.
* Visualize your goals as a reality.
Imagine what your life will be like once you accomplish your goals. Your mind cannot tell the difference between something that you vividly imagine and what is real.
When you vividly imagine your goals as accomplished your subconscious mind will begin to recognize and attract all the resources you need to make your goal a reality. This is because your mind tries with all it’s might to make your words and actions consistent with your clearly imagined goal. The more real or vivid your visualization, the better or more effectively this works.
Your ability to become a continuous, systematic, professional goal setter will do more to contribute to your success and happiness than any other skill you could ever acquire in life.
Why Goals Are Important
Change is the single most factor affecting our lives today. Life is changing at an ever increasing rate. In fact change is so continuous, persistent and relentless that we are often unaware of it’s affect on our lives. Goals assist us to not only deal with that change they allow us to harmonize with it. Clear, specific goals are critical for every area of our lives.
A major cause of the change around us is the information explosion. A person living today must make many more decisions in a single week than our ancestors had to make over the course of their lives. This is all do to the exponential increase in existing knowledge. In fact existing knowledge is doubling approximately every 2 to 15 years. Two hundred years ago the knowledge base doubled every hundred years or more!
The only way to deal with this increasing rate of change is by understanding goals and how they can direct your life. Goals enable you to control the direction of change. They allow the change that affects you to be self directed or positive rather than random or negative. Keep in mind that you can’t get away from change. But you can decide whether is controls you or whether you control it.
By learning to effectively set goals you will become more confident. Working toward goals will raise your self-esteem and self-respect. As you move toward accomplishing your goals they will give you a tremendous feeling of personal pride and accomplishment.
Formula For Increasing Goal Achievement
* Decide exactly what want in each area of your life.
How much do you want to earn? What kind of home do you want to live in? What is your dream car? What kinds of activities do you want to be involved with? Would you like to be the person your church can go to when they have a shortcoming on the budget? What about your physical fitness level?
Be clear in setting your goals. 80% of your success hinges on how clear your goals are. The clearer and more specific your goals the better. If you don’t know what your goals are, set a goal to decide what your goals should be.
* Write down your goals on paper.
Write you goals in clear, specific and measurable terms. Writing down goals takes them out of your imagination and crystallizes them into the physical world. It takes them from being a wish to a place where you can see them and touch them each and every day. By writing down your goals you instantly jump into the top 3% of all people. Only 3% of all adults have written goals. Yet those 3% accomplish more than the other 97% combined!
In 1979, Harvard Business School did a study of their MBA graduates. They interviewed the graduates and asked them among other things if they had clear written goals with plans for their career when they left the school. Only 3% had clear written goals with plans. 13% had goals but they weren’t written down and did not necessarily have a plan. 84% had no goals at all.
In follow-up interviews conducted 10 years later the 13% who had goals were earning on average twice as much as those with no goals at all. The eye-opening part was that the 3% who had written goals were earning on average ten times as much at the other 97% put together!
Writing down goals combined with consistent daily action toward achieving them works virtually without exception. It unlocks your potential and your subconscious mind to allow you to see and recognize opportunities for advancement in your chosen profession.
* Set a deadline for achieving your goal.
The subconscious mind responds very well to clear specific deadlines. Setting a deadline deepens and intensifies your desire for the goal. It will increase your belief that you can accomplish your goal.
On big goals, break it apart into smaller goals. For example break a one year goal into 6 month, 3 month, 1 month and even 1 week segments. This will make it easier to accomplish your goal and will provide your with a very detailed plan of what you need to do right now to reach the next step of your goal.
A deadline acts as a forcing system on your subconscious mind which drives you toward your goal and as you begin to meet your deadlines it will build your motivation to overflowing levels.
Deadlines also seem to attract the people and resources into your life that you need to accomplish your goal. This is because once your set a deadline your subconscious mind begins to see your own “Acres of Diamonds.”
So what if you miss a deadline? Simple, set another deadline! There’s no such thing as unrealistic goals, only unrealistic deadlines. A deadline is really just a guess based on current knowledge. If your knowledge changes to a point were you need to change a deadline do so, but don’t give up on the goal.
The best experts in goal setting recommend that you set goals and envision the end result.
Write down what steps needed to be taken regressing from the dream company reward trip to the Bahamas all the way back to where you are a newbie that had never created a successful business before. Equate it to a game! What did you do at crunch time....at the two minute warning three weeks from your final outcome?? What did you do to win with fifteen minutes left....3 months to go? What had to be done at half time....6 months before the Bahamas trip?
What action steps needed to be taken at the start of the second quarter....at 9 months?
The primary reason people don’t set goals is due to a fear of failure. They are afraid that they will feel bad about themselves if they don’t reach their goals. But consider this: If you don’t set goals you simply won’t achieve very much. So don’t set yourself up for guaranteed failure by not setting goals.
* Identify the major obstacles.
Identify the obstacles that stand between you and your goal – specifically those that stand between you and your Major Definite Purpose. Make a list of everything that could be blocking you. Ask yourself, “Why am I not at my goal already?”
80% of the reason you are NOT achieving your goal is contained in yourself in some way. What is going on around you that is holding you back? What is the bottleneck – the biggest reason – that slows you down? Once you figure this out focus all of your strength and energy on removing that key choke point. Many times removing the number one obstacle can do more to help move you forward than any other single activity. Whenever you can identify a major obstacle or problem, swarm all over it and take it out.
* Identify the knowledge, skills, abilities and additional information you will require to achieve your goals.
All forward movement requires the acquisition and application of new ideas or information of some kind. Keep asking, “Why am I not at my goal already?” What is the missing “key piece” of knowledge that is setting the speed of how fast you achieve your goal? There is always something that you lack that is holding you back. Make an effort to continually find the missing puzzle pieces.
What one skill if you developed and did it consistently and in an excellent fashion would have the greatest positive impact on your business? If you don’t know the answer ask your sponsor, upline, coach, mentor or anyone else who can help. You MUST find out. It’s the key to acceleration, leverage and multiplication. In order to achieve a goal you have never achieved before you have to apply a skill or ability you never had before.
The good news is that anything anyone else has learned and become excellent at you can become excellent at as well. No one is better than you and nobody is smarter than you. If someone is doing better than you they have simply worked at it longer than you, just as an athlete who has spent years at a certain discipline will be much better than someone who just got started. But remember that anything someone else has done you can probably do as well.
* Identify the people, groups and organizations whose help, assistance and cooperation you will need to achieve your goal.
You can achieve little goals by yourself but it takes teamwork to achieve the really big ones. Make a list of all the people in your life (friends, family, coworkers, people with special skills, etc.) that can either help you or hinder you in the attainment of your objective. Once you have that list organize it by priority.
You have probably heard the saying, “The devil is in the details.” The most successful people in this world are those who are the most meticulous and careful about the details in their lives. They tend to think on paper. They check and double-check everything. They leave absolutely nothing to chance. The average or mediocre performer trusts luck, is too lazy to write things down, continually forgets, and misses countless opportunities as a result.
Once you have a list of people who can help you, think about how you can help them in advance to gain their support. Everyone needs a reason to do something. Most people only respond to one question, “What’s in it for me?” What benefit will the people who help you receive for do doing so?
* Make a plan.
Create a plan to accomplish your goal based on the first 6 steps you have already learned. List every detail you can think of. As you think of more items add them to your plan. Keep working until your plan is complete. This will undoubtedly take some time but once complete you will have created a powerful springboard for your own success.
Be sure to prioritize your plan by priority and sequence. The most important steps should be completed first. First remove your major obstacles, then gain the skills and knowledge you need followed by the other more specific tasks.
A person with a plan and goal will run circles around someone without one. The man or woman that knows what they want, writes it down and makes a plan to accomplish it, is a stronger, far more definite and determined person than someone who is vague or unsure.
* Take action on your plan.
Action is perhaps the most readily identifiable quality of highly successful people. Action is critical for the success of your plan. This is why you hear us at Leaders Club harping on “getting into consistent action” so often. It’s vital to do something every day that moves you closer to your goal.
Develop the momentum principle of success. The momentum principle of success simply states that although it may take a tremendous amount of energy to get started toward a goal, once in motion it takes much less energy to keep moving. If you stop completely it takes a massive amount of energy to get going again. This is why all successful people are action oriented – constantly moving toward their goals. It’s also why you should be actively working toward your goal on a daily basis.
* Visualize your goals as a reality.
Imagine what your life will be like once you accomplish your goals. Your mind cannot tell the difference between something that you vividly imagine and what is real.
When you vividly imagine your goals as accomplished your subconscious mind will begin to recognize and attract all the resources you need to make your goal a reality. This is because your mind tries with all it’s might to make your words and actions consistent with your clearly imagined goal. The more real or vivid your visualization, the better or more effectively this works.
Friday, March 6, 2009
The Power of Living in the Now
Hello folks out there in Blogger land!
Today I would like to write about a topic that is dear to my heart. The Power of Living in the Now!
People today place too much focus on their past or what may happen in the future. People that accomplish great things in this life do not dwell on past mistakes, or who may have wronged them. They foster a spirit of forgiveness.....where there's not much room for a spirit of resentment. Resentment and an unforgiving spirit can literally make you sick! William Osler MD quoted in the early 1900's - "The organs weep the tears the eyes refuse to shed." I would suggest that a good way to clear resentment or worry would be to set aside say a half hour a day to fret about what may be troubling your heart. Do your worrying and harboring of resentment during that set aside time, and then refocus on your goals for the day. Whatever negative thought or emotion we focus on takes away from our ability to accomplish in the now.
Life is too precious to hold past mistakes or to fret about the future. Live in the now and give that your attention, and you will accomplish great things!
Today I would like to write about a topic that is dear to my heart. The Power of Living in the Now!
People today place too much focus on their past or what may happen in the future. People that accomplish great things in this life do not dwell on past mistakes, or who may have wronged them. They foster a spirit of forgiveness.....where there's not much room for a spirit of resentment. Resentment and an unforgiving spirit can literally make you sick! William Osler MD quoted in the early 1900's - "The organs weep the tears the eyes refuse to shed." I would suggest that a good way to clear resentment or worry would be to set aside say a half hour a day to fret about what may be troubling your heart. Do your worrying and harboring of resentment during that set aside time, and then refocus on your goals for the day. Whatever negative thought or emotion we focus on takes away from our ability to accomplish in the now.
Life is too precious to hold past mistakes or to fret about the future. Live in the now and give that your attention, and you will accomplish great things!
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